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Want to get stronger, fitter, healthier, but unsure how, or where to start?


Do you feel like you need guidance & accountability, but can't dedicate time for face to face sessions with a trainer?? 

You're in the right place!

What is Online Coaching?

Online personal training is where you have me as your coach, on-hand, 24/7 over WhatsApp, where I will send and rotate your training and diet program when you need it. Whether you have full gym access, train at home or at a hotel room, I've got you covered.

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Why do you need it?

You need a coach on hand to help with any queries you have, about your training routine, or diet. Seeing a standard trainer for one hour, once per week isn't doing you justice. 

You deserve more than that.

Instead of waiting 6 days, and 23 hours until your next session to ask a question, you can ask me on demand, online. Better yet, you don't even need to fit my diary, schedule or location to get the results you want.

Who is Online Coaching for?

This coaching service is designed for individuals who are seeking guidance in training and nutrition without having to spend countless hours in the gym. This program is perfect for those who want to achieve their health and fitness goals efficiently and effectively. Whether you are a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness journey or an experienced athlete wanting to optimise your training and diet, my coaching is tailored to meet your needs.

Say goodbye to wasted time and hello to results with my personalised approach to fitness and nutrition.

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What do you get?

A bespoke training program for home training, or the gym. I will set your daily step count and calorie target, and make changes when plateau occurs.

You also get to ask me anything you like. Any questions with your training or your diet, I'm here for you.

You get an exclusive resource centre of content on Vimeo, which includes exercise walk-through videos. Also, I'm going to put you in a community of like-minded people where you can share your journey, or simply watch from the sidelines, in a private facebook page.

From your bodyweight to a pair of dumbbells, a few bands from amazon to full commercial gym access, I've got you covered.

"Cerith is an absolutely fantastic PT and coach.
He is both extremely supportive and also challenging during sessions to ensure you’re getting all the benefits.
His methods / coaching techniques are there to help you in the long term and can honestly say have benefited me over a number of years.

The self belief he gives you too can not be under estimated. He has helped me achieve things that I didn’t know I was capable of. Always on hand to answer questions and give advice too. Without doubt one of the best Trainers around.
Would highly recommend 👍"

Why trust me?

You can read my testimonials above,  but to save you the time and effort, If you do not feel like what i'm offering is not worth ten times what I'm charging for it, let me know within 14 days, and i'll refund your money, no questions asked. 

Sign up by clicking the button below, and once you get your payment confirmation, I want you to message me through WhatsApp, using my mobile number, once you do, I will send you a welcome video.

Looking forward to work with you.

"Let's work together to help you reach your health and fitness goals."

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